ITTM S.A. is a spin-off company of the Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine (LCSB) at the University of Luxembourg and offers a highly integrated BioIT (ICT) service portfolio, ranging from data curation and cleansing, data analysis, integration and visualization, (secure) hosting of knowledge platforms, implementation and developments of dedicated software and data analysis pipelines, including training as a service in all mentioned areas.
ITTM has been and is involved in various Data Curation and Management projects in the context of previous and ongoing H2020 and IMI projects like Safe-T, TransBioLine, BioMap, ImSAVAR, EMIF, and APPROACH. We are also involved in a large French PPI project to provide the data management infrastructure, curation of translational research data in French as well as developing the corresponding ETL processes. Furthermore we work on a customer project to harmonise national registries onto OMOP CDM.
- Members of ITTM have been involved in the development of a methodology for biomedical data harmonisation by applying the CDISC data standards (Presenting and sharing clinical data using the eTRIKS Standards Master Tree for tranSMART,
- ITTM has provided hosting solutions for various services in the biomedical field. This includes genomic data hosting, tranSMART (Safe-T, TransBioLine, COPDMAP) and ownCloud (Smart4Health, RTC4Water)
- ITTM is involved in the curation of disease maps (Parkinson's disease map)
- ITTM contributes to open source projects (e.g. Ingenuity Pathway Analysis (IPA®) connector for tranSMART; tranSMART visual analytics platform SmartR,