EHDEN delighted to announce Prof Dani Prieto-Alhambra, Project Research Coordinator, elected member of ENCePP Steering Group.

11 December 2020, Brussels, Belgium. Prof Prieto-Alhambra, MD, MSc (Oxf), PhD, Professor of Pharmaco- and Device Epidemiology, University of Oxford, UK, has been elected to the Steering Group of the European Network of Centres for Pharmaoepidemiology and Pharmacovigilance (ENCePP).

The ENCePP Steering Group was established in 2010 to oversee the mid to long-term implementation of the ENCePP project. The Steering Group consists of 16 members and provides a good balance of expertise (regulatory, conduct of pharmacoepidemiological studies, patients, healthcare professionals, ethical issues). Six members of the Steering Group are elected representatives from the ENCePP Plenary. From 2014 onwards the term of service of the Steering Group is three years

The ENCePP Steering Group defines and safeguards the objectives and principles of ENCePP and decides on operational tasks of the network. The Steering Group is the highest authority of ENCePP and thus is its final decision making body. It acts as adjudicator in case of discrepancies or complaints in the context of the ENCePP network.

Dani is the theme lead for observational research and chair for the big health data research group at the Centre for Statistics in Medicine, University of Oxford.

He leads database and pharmaco-epidemiological research within the epidemiology research group in the Nuffield Dept of Orthopaedics, Rheumatology and Musculoskeletal Sciences (NDORMS) and has experience designing, analysing, and interpreting electronic medical records from around the world. Dani has worked on databases like the United Kingdom’s CPRD (formerly GPRD), Spain’s SIDIAP Database, Denmark’s Danish Health Registries, Italy’s HSD, and the Netherlands’ IPCI (Netherlands). Dani is the academic lead for EHDEN WP1.

He studied Medical Sciences at the Autonomous University of Barcelona in Spain (1996-2002), qualified as a General Practitioner in 2006 and obtained an MSc in Primary Care Research from the Autonomous University of Barcelona in 2009. Dani joined NDORMS in June 2009 to work on the epidemiology of musculoskeletal conditions, and he was awarded an “excellent cum laude, with a European mention” PhD in 2011 for his work on the potential role of bisphosphonates in knee osteoarthritis and fractures.

He also obtained an MSc in Musculoskeletal Sciences from NDORMS and a Certificate in Pharmaco-epidemiology and Pharmacovigilance from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.

Congratulations Dani, you will be an excellent contributor to the ENCePP SG.