EHDEN Collaborators Win Big at OHDSI’s Annual Titan Awards

Each year at their annual Symposium, OHDSI recognises collaborators or collaborating institutions that contribute to their mission. Colleagues from across the EHDEN community won Titan awards in all categories at this year’s Symposium, reinforcing the calibre of expertise also within EHDEN as recognised by the OHDSI Community itself.

The OHDSI Titan Award Committee announced winners in the following seven categories:

  • Data Standardsrecognises extraordinary contributions by any individual, organisation, or team in development or evaluation in community data standards, including OMOP common data model and standardised vocabularies.  Winner: Clair Blacketer, Janssen Research and Development (EHDEN Project Lead Partner)
  •  Methodological Researchrecognises extraordinary contributions by an individual, organisation, or team in development or evaluation in analytical methods for clinical characterisation, population-level effect estimation, or patient-level prediction.  Winner:  Nicolas Thurin, Université de Bordeaux (EHDEN Data Partner)
  •  Open-source Developmentrecognises extraordinary contributions by an individual in design, development, testing, and deployment of open-source software to enable observational analyses.  Winner – Anthony Sena, Janssen Research and Development (EHDEN Project Lead Partner)
  •  Clinical Applicationrecognises extraordinary contributions by an individual, organisation, or team in generating clinical evidence that improves health by informing better health decisions and better care. Winner – Jenny Lane, University of Oxford (EHDEN Consortium Partner)
  •  Community Collaborationrecognises an individual for their collaborative spirit in helping their fellow community members reach their goals. Winner – Talita Duarte-Salles, IDIAPJGol (EHDEN Data Partner)
  •  Community Leadershiprecognises an individual for their leadership in advancing the OHDSI mission. Winner – Dani Prieto-Alhambra, University of Oxford (EHDEN Consortium Partner & Research Coordinator)
  • Community Supportrecognises an individual, team, or organisation for their contributions to ensuring the sustainability of the OHDSI community. Winner – Erasmus University Medical Center (EHDEN Coordinating Partner)

“It’s very gratifying to see EHDEN partners have such a strong showing at this year’s Titan Awards. It speaks volumes about the commitment and collaborative spirit that our colleagues embody and that is so critical to realising EHDEN’s mission to more smartly manage and share research methodologies. Congratulations to all the winners!” said, Peter Rijnbeek, Associate Prof. Health Data Sciences, Erasmus University Medical Center, EHDEN Coordinator.

You can go to OHDSI’s Titan Award page to see prior winners. EHDEN also had a number of oral and poster presentations at this year’s Symposium, which can be found here.