Blog 2021

BLOG – 2021: another remarkable year for EHDEN, but a tragic one for the world
December 2021
The EHDEN project Consortium, like everyone, is looking forward to a recuperative and hopefully safe break over the festive season in Europe, and wishes the same for all our colleagues and partners, too.

BLOG – Success with use of real world data in medicines research: Joining the dots of the European ecosystem
November 2021
A recent survey in England indicated that, during the COVID-19 pandemic, the public had learned more about how real world data (RWD) can be used both for monitoring public health and for research.

BLOG – The PIONEER study-a-thon: how EHDEN collaborates with its sister projects to generate medical evidence
October 2021
Open science is an important driver for the EHDEN project, which is seeking to address a number of challenges facing health data research, such as the lack of reproducibility and transparency, poor statistical designs and publication bias, by striving for openness and accessibility of the scientific discourse at all levels and all stages of research.

BLOG – Real world education for real world research: continuing development, upskilling & collaboration
September 2021
No one is big enough alone to master the complex future. Curious minds could help here in learning from others and building on accomplished work.

BLOG – Avoiding the ‘not-invented-here’ syndrome will benefit all
July 2021
Normally, we define ourselves by the groups we identify with. “People-like-us” are more trustworthy than the “out-group”. This easily leads into “Not-invented-here syndrome” (NIH) that can be defined by a tendency for people and organizations to avoid things that they did not create themselves.

BLOG – Avoiding the ‘not-invented-here’ syndrome will benefit all
June 2021
A 21st century healthcare system is increasingly data-driven, and dependent on data to ensure positive outcomes, for individuals through to populations.

BLOG – The Patient Community, Engagement, and Insights around RWD/RWE

BLOG – Open standards for success in federated health data research
April 2021
The overarching goal of the EHDEN project is to foster a thriving European community that better shares health data research, and in particular, to enable federated analyses of real- world healthcare data to ultimately improve patient treatment and outcomes.