Directory of Service Providers

How to access the Directory?

The Directory of Service providers is free for everyone to use and you can access it via this link.

Why do we have a Directory?

EHDEN’s main objective is to create an EU-wide ecosystem for the federated analyses of real world data standardised to the OMOP Common Data Model. To this end, EHDEN is organising open calls for Data Partners to get financial support for the standardisation of their data, and for SMEs to receive training and become certified to perform services in the ecosystem.

This directory provides an overview of all service providers in this ecosystem.

The different services

Here we provide a high-level overview of what is meant with the different services being mentioned in the Directory.

  • OHDSI Software and Tools: Installation of the analytical infrastructure, for example the ATLAS tool, and the R packages to perform analyses.
  • OHDSI Training: Provide training on the OMOP CDM, Standardised Vocabularies, and tools.
  • OMOP CDM ETL: Creating an Extraction Transform and Loading (ETL) pipeline to transform data from source to the OMOP CDM. This includes defining ETL specifications, local vocabulary mappings, coding and testing, etc.
  • OMOP Standardised vocabularies: Mapping local terminology systems to the Standardised Vocabularies.
  • Technical infrastructure Services: Commissioning of servers and databases, for example Postgresql, SQL Server, AWS Redshift.

How to use the Directory?

When opening the Directory of Service Providers there is a menu on top (cfr. the image below), followed by an overview in google maps and lastly the list of all service providers.

  • The menu allows you to perform searches and advanced searches for certain criteria.
  • The Directory button will always take you back to the main page of the Directory.
  • Underneath the search bar, the five main service categories are mentioned. The number indicates how many SMEs offer this service and by clicking on them, you will filter the list to show only SMEs offering this service.

To see more information about a certain SME, click on the name, logo or the view button in the bottom right corner of the listing.