The 6th open call for data partners has now closed. It ran between May 13th 12:00 CET and June 15th 17:00 CET. A final 7th open call will run between October/November 2022.
Detailed information on this call can be found in the Data Partner Call Description document.
For this 6th Data Partner call our preferences for applications were as follows:
- All applications are welcome
- Applications from countries not yet (or minimally) represented in the EHDEN Network will be especially welcome
- Applicants can consult our Data Partners page for a complete view of the current EHDEN Data Partners, so that they can assess how evaluators may perceive their added value for the Network
- We are highly interested in the following types of data sources, but not exclusively:
- Hospital data, especially in combination with other types of healthcare records, e.g., from primary care
- Registries
- Patient Outcomes, e.g., PROs/PREMs/HRQoL
- Claims, resource utilisation
- Specific interest for this call (but not exclusively):
- Monitoring vaccine use, safety and effectiveness, in the public health emergency setting (e.g. COVID-19) and in routine healthcare (for all existing and novel vaccines)
- Rare/autoimmune/inflammatory diseases (including use of ATMPs)
- Diabetes Mellitus
- Neurology
- Oncology
- Medical devices
The Data Partner call document refers to two more documents:
- a template of the code of conduct for the reviewers which can be found here
- a sub-grant agreement for Data Partners which can be found here
Results of this call will be public in July 2022.