OMOP mapping collaboration in Finland and national node development, Auria Clinical (CC#4)

Anna Hammais, Data Architect at Auria Clinical Informatics, Turku University Hospital, Finland provides an overview of the Finnish healthcare system, the focus on utilising the OMOP CDM, and experience to date in mapping their source data to the CDM.

In Finland there are five university hospitals within the 20 hospital districts, providing tertiary, reference and regional care services. The FinOMOP collaboration was established in 2020 between four of the five university hospitals currently, meeting regularly and working with three EHDEN certified SMEs on mapping to the CDM. Anna goes on to explore the technical infrastructure for OMOP in Turku, utilising the open source OHDSI tooling, as well as the local challenges, such as vocabularies and coding in the Finnish context, in conversation with Prof Peter Rijnbeek, Chair Health Data Science, Erasmus MC, and EHDEN Coordinator. In the latter stage of the video, Anna outlines the GitLab version control repository, particularly supporting collaborative mapping work, as well as the mapping review with clinicians, who understand the applied clinical context beyond the technical aspects.

New pilot projects (haematology and urology initially) beyond the initial mapping fidelity evaluation with a grand goal of international collaboration beyond Finland.