Maxim Moinat
Data Engineer
The Hyve
Introduce yourself and The Hyve?
The Hyve is an SME aimed at improving life sciences by building on open source software. We are based in Utrecht, The Netherlands and have many collaborations across Europe and the US.
I am one of the OHDSI specialists at The Hyve and work with a team of data engineers on OMOP transformation pipelines, organising training around OHDSI and software development. My background is in bioinformatics and systems biology, but I actually learned working with large datasets initially by analysing sports results.
What is your role in EHDEN and what do you personally hope to get out of this role?
In EHDEN, I am coordinating the technical work package (WP4) with Michel Van Speybroeck (Janssen Pharmaceutica) and Kees van Bochove (The Hyve). My main focus is on improving the ETL tooling and OMOP pipelines. During the SME certifications, I teach the attendees the intricacies of the OHDSI ETL tooling. These sessions are also great for me to better understand what researchers and developers are struggling with when it comes to data transformation and analysis.
What would you consider success at the end of EHDEN?
EHDEN will be a success if we are able to set up a comprehensive European network of high quality data in the OMOP CDM. In turn, this network should be easily findable and accessible to a large group of researchers. Only then we can drive a change in medical evidence generation.
Instead of studying one hypothesis at a time, in one data source with a specific algorithm, researchers will be able to test a series of hypotheses in many data sources using standardised algorithms. Ultimately, this will enable us to vastly improve the way patients are treated, prevent thousands of untimely deaths and adverse conditions through a better application of precision medicine.