Tiro.Health has a framework agreement with “Vlaams ziekenhuisnetwerk KULeuven”, an alliance
between more than 30 hospitals to optimize quality of care by sharing best practices and
establishing a data-oriented culture. In close collaboration with the clinicians, we develop medical
dashboards with quality indicators based on a limited set of structured data which the network
already has collected. In this ETL process, the data is translated to international standards in order
to generate standardized real-world clinical data
At Tiro.Health we developed an intuitive note-editor tool for clinicians to reduce their
administrative burden. Using international standards like SNOMED-CT, the application
simultaneously encodes medical as clinicians type their medical notes. An AI-backed autocomplete
algorithm, combined with re-usable building blocks offers a user-friendly interface
that speeds up the note-taking process by 30%. The data can be saved in the OMOP CDM or
FHIR format, generating standardized real-world clinical data at scale and supporting a
growing network of health data research. As the note-editor is directly coupled to a clinical
dashboard, it already allows first data analyses to increase medical knowledge